Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Cameron pools

Hi bloggers it is me again Noah! Today I am going to be writing about Cameron pools. My buddy class is Haumia,  Haumia is my old class from 2019. When we go to the pools  we  have a swim Teacher but they don't come in the pool. I still have a very good time! My friend Martin is in my group and I sit on the bus with my friend Daiki.  My favourite thing to do is back stroke because i think I am so good at it :)

My home learning in lock down!

Hi bloggers welcome back to my blog. As you can see on the tittle I am writing about home learning in lock down. Here's what I have been doing:

Maths, reading, writing stories and P.E. I've been playing lots of basketball outside because i have a hoop. I have also been helping my mum and Nana with more chores at home. I miss school lots, it gets boring some days. I miss my friends too! But my little sister is keeping me busy.

What have you guys been doing?
please comment and let me know.
stay safe guys bye!