Talofa bloggers and welcome to my blog.
For the past four weeks me and my class have been going to Cameron Pools and being taught by lifeguards and instructors. During our class time in the pool we were just doing some basics for the first day like freestyle and stream line. Two days after we were learning some harder stuff like back stroke with a board and without. Back stroke with a board was easy and hard at the same time. Then we got to go on the boat and learnt how to get on quickly without someone telling you what to do with the life jackets.
After those swimming lessons it was the weekend and then it was Monday. After monday which was Tuesday we went back to cameron pools on the bus, on the bus I got to sit at the back with my freinds Mason and Frank during that session we did extremly hard work it was like humongous we were doing a triathlon but in the pool.
The week we went into the nans pool to do rips and currents to learn how to survive in the water while in a rip and to swim with the current. So the rest of the people in my group made waves and I had to try swim agaisnt it. Then We got two 1.5 liter bottles and tryed to float with them and then we had to try save partner with a noodle and save them.
Hope you enjoyed reading my blog make sure YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY!!!